Wednesday 4 May 2016


By Fayaz Ahmed

Some families and clients who visit Nishan Rehab for the treatment of Addiction don’t consider Addiction as a disease. They consider Addiction as a life style choice or habit. If Addiction is a life style choice then why can’t we change our addiction? Similarly if Addiction is a habit; according to Stephan R. Covey, habits are the intersection of knowledge and skill which can be adopted by repeating the actions. If so, then why can't we change the habit of Addiction. It means that Addiction is nor a life style choice neither a habit, it’s a disease and  should hence it should be treated like a disease.

What is disease?

When we listen to the word “disease” our brain works at a micro level and brings information in Nano seconds .e.g the word 'disease' will bring information like cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes etc, which indicate problem's/ dysfunction in the body mechanism. There are different definitions of the term disease. According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, a disease is defined as “a problem that a person, group, organization, or society has and can’t stop or a condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally. World Health Organization defines health instead of defining the disease. According to WHO “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, not merely the absence of any disease or infirmity”.
Defining addiction is a really tough call. Some define addiction as “as a chronicrelapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences (NIDA)”. If we focus on the above mentioned paragraph we can call addiction a disease because it affects our brain (physical), mind and behavior (psychological), our relation with the society (social), our relation with the family (familial) as well as our relation with God and humans (spiritual well being).  aboutaddiction
Most families dealing with addiction don’t enter in the treatment due to lack of knowledge and stigma. When addiction hits any family, they don’t accept that their loved one is suffering with addiction. They forget that Addiction never knocks on the door of anyone, it can affect everyone, it doesn’t discriminate, and it can affect people weather they are celebrities or normal people, it never takes permission or asks anyone before affecting them because it is a disease that can affect anyone, at anytime and under any situation. So it is important to understand that addiction is a disease and that it can be treated. Nishan Rehab is helping families to get their loved one's sober by joining the treatment protocol.
According to UNODC Addiction is a bio-psycho-social and spiritual disease which currently affects 6.7 millions of Pakistan's population. Factually, this disease is increasing by the day; though this fact is still not being taken seriously. Nishan Rehab is helping families to learn about addiction and providing the best services for the treatment of Addiction.
To get sick is not bad but to live sick is not good. Addiction is a disease and it can affect you, so don’t hesitate to get treatment for addiction. For help, contact Nishan Rehab International.

By Fayaz Ahmed

Clinical Psychologist

Nishan Rehab, Islamabad

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